Mellen-Thomas Benedict Shares His Extraordinary Near-Death Experience

1 year ago

Mellen-Thomas Benedict shares his extraordinary near-death experience (audio only).

A transcript of this video is located here:

The original YouTube video is posted here:

To learn more about near-death experiencer Mellen-Thomas Benedict, go here:



I fell into what I can only describe as hell, and what a fall it was. It was as if I was sinking into a suffocating black hole, it was my personal hell. But there were millions of others all around me in their own hells suffering and grieving in every way imaginable. My pain and fear was amplified millions of times. I cannot and do not want to describe this any further than to say it was each individual's version of eternal misery.

It seemed like I was in hell for eternity, when somehow I noticed that I could still see that speck of light way off in the distance. I also saw that every other hell around me had a speck of light, but no one was paying attention to it. We were all so consumed in our own fear, grief, loss, hopelessness, anger and on and on. There seemed to be no bottom or end to this pain. I felt cut off from and yet somehow intimately connected to all the suffering around me. Feeling cut off by my own pain was the darkest part of this hell for me. And yet all around me were millions of others, each caught up in their own private hell.

In the midst of all my suffering, I remembered that the light became brighter when I called to it. I cried out with all my soul, "Please help me! Please help me!" I now began to focus less on my pain and more on the light. The more I summoned my will to focus on the light, the brighter and more intense it became. It occurred to me that if there was any way out of this place, it was the light. I focused all of my energy, and that was no easy task, and called out to the light with every atom of my being, all without words, just emotion and energy.

Suddenly, everything stopped. There was a great silence in hell, mine and all the others. The intensity of the light continued to grow until I felt spears of light shooting through me, piercing my heart, hands and feet, then my head and eyes, giving me strength. Then, out of the light, a golden beam shaped like a halo came towards me. As it moved closer, I could see that it was a towering golden angel. I had always believed angels to exist only in fairytales, but there before me was the most beautiful angel. I felt so much love emulating from this being, I saw its golden face, powerful wings and shimmering skirt.

I didn't know what to do, so I asked, "Are you the Angel of Death?"

"There is no death. There is only eternal life," the angel answered.

"Who are you then? Can you save me, please?" I begged.

"I am your guardian angel, your higher self, your oversoul," answered the angel, "I have been with you all of your life."

Upon hearing these words, I became aware of another part of myself, a larger, higher part that I had only glimpsed as a child and in rare dreams throughout my life. I had not understood that this was the larger part of me, the oversoul, or the source of inspiration, my connection to the light. I cried, "Where am I? Am I in hell? Can you save me from this suffering, or must I stay here forever? What did I do to deserve this hell?"

Then I was enveloped in the angel's shimmering golden skirt. From inside it, it seemed to be transparent. "Look again at your life," the angel said.

I began to slowly spiral inside the angel's skirt, seeing again my life's demons, the shadows, the cold, sticky fire clawing at the skirt all around me. This time, however, I was protected in the skirt of the angel and could see the shadows without fear. The angel explained to me that I was trapped in my negative life issues, that they had consumed me, not just here but all during my life as well. Then I realized that hell is a state of consciousness, very real and existing in both life and what we call death. But consciousness survives death, and the individual takes their issues, positive and negative, with them to the other side.

"So below, so above, and so above, so below," the angel said, and then, "No soul was ever created to suffer."

"So why then have I suffered?" I asked.

"Ignorance and fear, fear of survival," the angel answered, "Look."

I was shown more aspects of my life in exquisite detail. I realized how ignorant I had been because I did not know how the pieces of life create a tapestry that can be woven, unwoven and rewoven by everything that we do, how every thread has a reason and a purpose. I had come into this world full of fear and anger. I saw my biological father's life and experienced his rage, allowing me to understand why he was the way he was.

I could see my mother's fear of survival in her adopted mother's hands, and later in my father's hands. This was her program, or life pattern. I also experienced my brother's life, to whom I had transferred a great deal of fear and anger as it had been transferred to me from my parents. I could see why my grandmother had been so cruel to my mother and why the grandparents on both sides of the family had never felt close to their grandchildren, and so on and on. Every little aspect was playing out. I could see and feel how fear and ignorance dominates so many lives.

"Please, I've seen enough! Don't make me watch this forever," I pleaded. For the first time, I could begin to see why I was the person I had become. "Can I leave this place? I don't want to be here anymore," I asked. Suddenly, everything stopped and there rose a profound silence, except for an ever so slight hiss all around me. I waited it seemed forever for an answer.

"This is your life," the angel whispered into my right ear, "What do you really want?"

"I want to leave here, please!" I replied.

"Then let go of your negative life issues."

"What do you mean? How do I do it? I'll do anything," I said.

"Listen to me now. You have the power, you have always had the power to be free, awaiting inside you."

"But how?" I asked.

"Forgive all your life issues, forgive everyone and everything in your life. Fear is the only hell," said the angel, "Love your life, everyone and everything, and fear no more."

At that very moment, I came face to face with my life and trusting in life as never before, I said and meant, "I love my life, all of it." I surrendered, and what an incredible release that was. Loving my life freed me from my hell. I felt free and light, the first inklings of a love light, of being loved like never before.

"The time has come for you. You can leave. You always could," the angel said, "Now, reach to me and come."

I reached out emotionally for the angel. I could see millions of souls still trapped in their private hells. Most of them were totally consumed by the traumas they had suffered or created in their lives. A few, from what I could see, seemed to actually be enjoying hell. Some others seemed to be bored with the whole thing. But millions of souls were begging to be saved. I asked why these souls were unable to be free.

"They are already free," answered the angel, "They hold themselves to negative patterns, memories, prejudices and fear. None of these negative qualities exist where you desire to be."

I was protected by the angel and we moved at light speed through this realm of hell consciousness. I shouted to the others, "Call to the light! Call to the light! You can leave this place any time! Come on! Let's leave hell together!" I kept yelling, "Call to the light! Call to the light! You can leave! You can leave!"

And you know, many did call to the light, many souls did leave hell together, sort of a group exodus. I can tell you the whole thing caused quite a ruckus in hell that day. I would meet some of these souls later after my return to life, we recognize each other every time. I sailed with the angel out of hell and through several other realms, like varying degrees of light and dark, finally leaving the darkness behind…


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