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This is a must. That is a requirement!

2 years ago

As we embark on our journey being a student of our own life is must. However, most of us stop before we have the tools and resources needed for the task. #growthisamust Afraid to take life head on. No more adventures or new destinations to travel. #scaredoflife A fear of the unknown has developed and taken over. It has stopped us from wanting growth and better for ourselves. How do we flip this way of thinking?
#Acceptanceofyourflaws is a requirement. When we do that, you're unstoppable. No one can hurt you if we know ourselves. Once again however, most don't accept the Good, Bad, and the Ugly sides of themselves. Hopefully by now you understand why this acceptance is a requirement.
Now we can't allow our flaws to paralyze us either. Taking action and tracking our progression will be needed to fulfill your dreams and embark on this path to greatness. #BigRedLeads

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