Fraternal Societies and Mutual aid. - Why social safety nets don't need the state.

2 years ago

A common strawman against the libertarian right is that it disallows the existence of a social safety net. This video refutes such claims by looking into the past when Fraternal societies provided just that. Sometimes also known as "mutual aid societies" or "Fraternal benefit orders" are a type of "private club" that were very popular in the late 19th to early 20th centuries. The reason for their popularity was because they provided mutual aid benefits for members that were very similar to the social programs we have today. People used to receive healthcare benefits, childcare, business aid, sick pay, and all sorts of social safety net features from these societies.

And then, they started to die out. Why? Well, watch the video and discover a tale that has been largely ignored by modern historians.

This video is part of a collaboration. Other channels that will have vids in this series:

Cospaia (AngloLibertarian):

Zapatistas of Chiapas (Springtime of Nations):

LiquidZulu (Ancient Iceland):

PraxBen (Acadia):

00:00 Intro

01:25 The tale of Fraternal Societies
07:52 Selected Examples
11:20 The fall of mutual aid benefits
15:03 Modern private charity and the problems with state welfare
18:16 Conclusion

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Music: Thunderheads in the Distance
License: CC 4.0 Attribution

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