CIA Congresswoman Blows Smoke for "Comprehensive Immigration Reform"

2 years ago

Whenever you hear a politician use the term "comprehensive immigration reform," what they really mean is they are pretending to be concerned about the border but their real goal is amnesty. Here we see Deep State (you can hear her bragging about that) Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin, who is now desperate to be elected from a new Michigan Congressional District due to redistricting, blowing smoke about the supposed need for "comprehensive immigration reform." Yet not a peep from her or any other politician of her ilk about enforcing EXISTING immigration laws. And, of course, she was OPPOSED to funding the Trump Border Wall. So here she is squawking about "comprehensive immigration reform" mixed in with some criticism of current lax border policy that she is sure to highlight in her campaign commercials in which she pretends to be somehow for stricter enforcement at the border. "Comprehensive border reform" is just another way of gaslighting the voters.

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