Kaaba | Most powerful energy point | Anti-clockwise stargate heavenly ascension | Number 7, 9 and 11

3 years ago

Kaabah | Throne of Allah | Heavens | Al-Waqi'a

Qur'an Numerology | Orbit of Sirius Star [53:49] is bow-shaped [53:9] and 49.9 Years

Numbers 13, 31 (its mirror) and 33 | Part02 | SURAH AR-RAHMAN 55 | Rebellion

The number 55 discussed further | Part03 | SURAH AR-RAHMAN 55 | God's Intense Grace


Originally published by Noreagaa. Do check out their Channel.

This Series Explores the Revelations in World Religions Regarding the Arrivals of the Antichrist Dajjal, Imam Al-Mahdi, and The Second Coming of The Christ. A Work Inspired by Hashemsfilms and of course the Words of the Noble Qur’an, The Holy Bible, and The Torah.

The Arrivals is a Joint Production by truthseekers, Noreagaaa and Achernahr.

Catch the full online version on WakeUpProject.com

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