Mass Force Records - So Far Away - Unity

2 years ago

Created as part of the Massforce 'Unity' Visual Collection.

Visual representation of the Mass Force track 'So Far Away'.
Created by Mellormedia, Guisborough, UK.
Utilising 'Moviestorm' animation software

So Far Away - from the Mass Force album 'Unity'.
Written, performed and produced by Mike Smith [Mass Force Records]
featuring Sarah Cotterill on vocals.

Mass Force UNITY - The Visual Collection. The Unity project is a collaboration between Mass Force Records, MellorMedia Productions and a number of film makers from around YouTube. The aim is to promote the Mass Force album Unity by providing a visual representation for each of the tracks. [This has now been achieved - 14/09/2013] Hopefully, each of the visual contributors will post their works at their own site or blog and make a play list featuring all the videos produced by the collaborators to promote the album. With some very well known YouTube broadcasters involved in the project, lets get the ball rolling by offering you access to the entire works.

The Mass Force Visual Collection:

Mass Force Records:

MellorMedia Productions:-

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