Biloela: Australia pressured to free refugee family | The Daily Update

3 years ago


Biloela: Australia pressured to free refugee family

Australia is under pressure to release a refugee innocent family from a Christmas Island detention centre after their three-year-old child had to be medically evacuated to the mainland.

Tharnicaa Murugappan was taken to a Perth hospital after being unwell with a fever, vomiting and dizziness. Advocates say she has since been diagnosed with sepsis and pneumonia, and is in a stable condition. But they criticised the delay in obtaining adequate medical care.

Tharnicaa had been sick for about 10 days before authorities took her to the hospital on Christmas Island, and later transferred her to Perth.

Her mother, Priya Nadesalingdram, said she had repeatedly asked for antibiotics or hospital treatment, but doctors gave her only paracetamol and ibuprofen pills. The three-year-old's medical evacuation has reignited public concern for the family's welfare. They have been detained for more than three years.

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