2 years ago

Biden imposter since 1990, manufactured by Obummer, Pelosi and the Demond Rats. No Biden ever inaugurated ever ever ever. Arthur Barton, or what ever his name is, inaugurated 3 times. Imposters for 32 years and thats many many dozens. American's totally oblivious, to their country being taken over by imposters for 32 years. Now even an imposter Prez. You thought Biden has made America the laughing stock of the world? HOLD MY BEER. When every one finds out that you have had Biden imposters for 32 years, and imposter VP's twice and now an Imposter prez? America will be as good as finished on the world stage, due to the American peoples complete lack of observational skills and the complete evil and criminally treasonous acts of the demond rats for 32 years plus. Even the stolen election, fades into oblivion when compared to this.

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