In your mind's eye decide to back the side of Truth nothing but the truth.

2 years ago

So on February 28th I made this video.

Bitchute has frozen my video so nobody can see it.

You won't be able to see it but you'll be able to read what I wrote on it.

I should find the original video and upload it again but I just wanted to say to somebody look what I said on February 28th and look where we're going in this reality.

In your mind's eye decide to back the side of Truth nothing but the truth.
If the truth is not proven to you then you don't have to believe it.
if I lie is told as a truth by mainstream media
you've already heard 10,000 lies from them
You don't have to believe it's true.
The world is pointing their hatred at one man,
but if you understand that maybe he's on our side
and give that choice in your mind's eye it will become true.

We are fighting a satanic agenda this satanic agenda has taken over the European Union the North American Union and almost every country in the world with exception of the Africans who were killed for not going along with the vaccine programs.
Either Putin is working with them to put us all on the economic chaos and wipe us out or he's working against them.
Either way we can't help win their war doesn't matter what side you choose if both of them are trying to take us down we just have to use our superpowers.
Everything that can go wrong will go wrong because we have the ability to make everything backfire on the liars and the thieves and the children rapers.
But what if Putin is legit he has been asking that NATO doesn't knock on his front door for 15 years and they have neglected.
We already know that the US politicians are all involved in Ukraine and we already know that they stole the election from Trump so why would we trust you the United States government at this time?

So any American Nazi mind program, TV watching, no good mystery meat eater. you can hate me all you want
it won't make any difference
I'll take your energy you little pieces of dog Doo.

The truth always wins
and anything that is set up against the people will be exposed
so that more people wake up
more and more people are waking up
and all you have left is a Nazi programs
with guns pointed at us!
but when we know we have to consent for you to do anything
you already lost at least this one Tron
because I am consenting to anything any of you say or do you have lost all credibility you are the problems of this planet!
the polluters the murderers the human traffickers the children rapers
you're the filth of this planet
and you all need to be gone going gone!

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