2 years ago

THE JEWS, THE JEWS, THE JEWS! We've got to call out the most aggressive enemies of America BY NAME if we want to defeat their efforts to crush us and all European Peoples. I'm guilty of using code myself as a result of THE PROGRAMMING and the fear of such a violation. We will not get Peaceful Separation as long as THE JEWS that control our media, our courts, our colleges, and our schools. I really try to push love for all humans but EVIL IS EVIL and it must be destroyed or removed. If we take peaceful action now, smart political action, we just might be able to prevent the slaughter of our children, grandchildren, and all of White-Kind for generations to come. It is imperative that we VOTE SMART or better yet, run for office ourselves. THERE IS NO "MORE PEACEFUL" way to make the changes needed without getting rid of the stooges that currently are in positions of power over us. SPEND A FEW MOMENTS EACH DAY DOING SOMETHING TO OPEN EYES AND GAINING GROUND... Your children are counting on you.

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