10 BEST PERENNIAL VINES for HOT CLIMATES - Growing in the Garden

3 years ago

If you are looking for vines that grow well in the low desert of Arizona, you've come to the right place. Many types of vines are easy to grow and thrive year round in the low desert of Arizona.

Introduction 00:00
Why grow vines 00:52
Bougainvillea 01:07
Cape honeysuckle 02:57
Climbing roses 04:00
Coral vine 05:41
Lady Bank's rose 07:37
Lavender star flower 08:49
Lilac vine 09:56
Passion fruit vine 10:50
Skyflower 11:58
Star jasmine 12:52
Other vines 13:41
Annual vines 14:06

Looking for more information? https://growinginthegarden.com/arizona-vine-planting-guide-a-visual-guide-for-low-desert-vines/

Vines add vertical dimension and beauty to our garden and landscapes, but knowing which one to plant and where to plant it can be tricky.

I share some of my favorite vines that grow well in Arizona, and give growing and planting details for each one.
“Which vines can handle full Arizona sun?”
“Will this vine grow in the shade?”
“Can this vine take the heat from a reflected wall?”
“Could I plant this vine by my pool? Is it messy?”
“When does this vine bloom?”
“Will this vine climb on its own, or does it need a trellis?”
“How big does this vine get?”
Vines are an excellent option for small gardens because they require relatively little space and often provide a large impact. Use vines to create shade, cover bare fences and walls, grow food, attract pollinators, and add beauty to your landscape.

Products in this video:
Garden Grids: I use the grids from Garden in Minutes, here is a link: https://gim.ositracker.com/140976/10616
Use code Angela10 to save $10 off $100.
Growoya Ollas: https://growoya.com/?ref=aReoN
Tomato Clips: https://amzn.to/3lp299f

Amazon Shop: https://www.amazon.com/shop/growinginthegarden
Buy Harvest Calendar: https://growinginthegarden.bigcartel.com/product/perpetual-planting-and-harvest-calendar-for-the-low-desert-of-arizona
Seeds: Seeds Now https://www.seedsnow.com/?rfsn=275008.6345c
Botanical Interest seeds:
Watering Grids: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1897453&u=2736599&m=118440&urllink=&afftrack=
Use code ANGELA10 to save $10 off $100
Growing in the Garden Raised Bed Mix at Arizona Worm Farm: https://arizonawormfarm.com/

More places to find and learn from Growing in the Garden
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#vines #hotclimatevines #desertvines #howtogrowyourownfood #perennialvines

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