Pastor Artur Pawlowsk: People are witnessing a “shakening” to separate sheep from the wolves

2 years ago


Freedom fighter and Polish-born Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski had a vision about three years ago.

“I saw a fence, a big fence, I could not see the end of it. And I saw people sitting on the fence. And I remember when I saw those two big hands that grabbed the fence and violently started to shake it. And I saw people falling to the left and to the right. And I knew that those hands are God’s powerful hands,” Pawlowski told Dr. Steve Hotze in the April 25 episode of “The Dr. Hotze Report” on Brighteon.TV.

“And He kept shaking the fence until there was no one sitting on it. And then He told me: ‘When I’m done, everyone will have to make a choice – either Me or the devil.’ What we’re witnessing right now is the greatest separation between the sheep and the goats, the sheep and the wolves.”

Pawlowski said people are now witnessing a massive “shakening” to separate the good from the bad.

The well-known champion of the poor and the homeless said Christians need to understand that they have to go through the fire so that God can purify them. He cited the biblical story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who were rescued by God from a fiery furnace after they refused to bow before a golden image and participate in the lie.

According to Pawlowski, the Church and the pastors should realize that this is one of the greatest moments in history and that they should not bow to evil people.

The Canadian clergyman said this is the time for the modern-day Moses, Aaron, Miriam, Mordecai, Esther, the prophets of old, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, David, Joshua, Caleb, Deborah and the Book of Acts apostles to rise up once again and show the whole world who God is.
“It’s time for the Church to shine. And if needs be it’s time for the Church to be purified in the fire because when you go to the fire, you will burn for Jesus,” said Pawlowski, pastor of the Cave Church of Adullam and Street Church Ministries in Calgary, Canada.

Pawlowski also talked about his life in Poland and growing up under communism and socialism. He said the communists and socialists will stop at nothing until people have absolutely nothing.

The Christian pastor and patriot recalled the Solidarity Movement in the 1980s, when millions of Polish people took to the streets under the leadership of Lech Walesa. He also talked about his family leaving Poland to go to Greece before moving to Canada in the early 1990s.

Pawlowski said Canada is no longer a democratic country with its politicians wanting to be tyrants and dictators.

“And that’s exactly how they behave. One law for you, one law for them. They can do whatever they want. They can break their own mandates and restrictions. They were caught red-handed breaking their own mandates, but they are the pharaohs of today and they can do whatever they want. They think they’re above the law. And the rest of us, according to them, we are just slaves,” Pawlowski said.
Man of faith and courage

Hotze said Pawlowski was truly a man of faith and courage, as well as a true example to other Christians across the world because of his willingness to stand up and trust God.

Pawlowski also discussed with Hotze his arrest at the airport after coming from the United States to warn Americans about the situation in Canada and expose what was happening there.

The pastor and civil and human rights activist said he spent three days and two nights in prison. Pawlowski has been charged for illegally feeding the homeless and the poor, inciting people to come to church, participating in a church service and officiating an illegal church gathering. He was also labeled as a terrorist after participating in Canada’s Freedom Convoy. (Related: WORSHIP is now a CRIME: Canadian SWAT team takes down Christian pastor for “inciting” worship in defiance of coronavirus orders.)

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Watch the full April 25 episode of “The Dr. Hotze Report” below. Catch new episodes of “The Dr. Hotze Report” every Monday at 5-6 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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