2 years ago

This concise work on 'The Hermetic Philosophy' outlines seven universal principles: Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender. Rather than the actual Kybalion, this is purportedly an exegesis on that text. While this was probably one of the books which William Walker Atikinson wrote for the Yogi Publication Society under a pseudonym, it probably bears a closer read than most.

Title Page
Table of Contents
Chapter I. The Hermetic Philosophy
Chapter II. The Seven Hermetic Principles
Chapter III. Mental Transmutation
Chapter IV. The All
Chapter V. The Mental Universe
Chapter VI. The Divine Paradox
Chapter VII. ''The All'' in All
Chapter VIII. Planes of Correspondence
Chapter IX. Vibration
Chapter X. Polarity
Chapter XI. Rhythm
Chapter XII. Causation
Chapter XIII. Gender
Chapter XIV. Mental Gender
Chapter XV. Hermetic Axioms

As thoughts unwind, self finds a clue
That most not least is right with you

Truth does evade the common stage
And often leads self into rage

When Spirit feeds on light not dark
self sees living in perspective's spark

The lessons close attention yields
Bring self within light's bright field

So take the gift so hard to see
That most not least is right with thee

Your thoughts are not your self in you
They are illusions stuck with glue

This truth you seek cannot be grasped
No box contains it with a clasp

Light and Dark are but two faces
Of the same Mobius traces

You have no lessons to complete
No place to go, just keep your seat

There is no gift to be received
Inside your heart resides the seed


As thoughts unwind, self finds a clue
Your thoughts are not your self in you

That most not least is right with you
They are illusions stuck with glue

Truth does evade the common stage
This truth you seek cannot be grasped

And often leads self into rage
No box contains it with a clasp

When Spirit feeds on light not dark
Light and Dark are but two faces

self sees living in perspective's spark
Of the same Mobius traces

The lessons close attention yields
You have no lessons to complete

Bring self within light's bright field
No place to go, just keep your seat

So take the gift so hard to see
There is no gift to be received

That most not least is right with thee
Inside your heart resides the seed

~The Universe ~

For Father. Thank you, z , for your mentorship, and more importantly, friendship. Thank you, g , for your love and support.
O plunge your hands in water, Plunge them in up to the wrist; Stare, stare in the basin And wonder what you've missed.


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