What Is Success? Why You Need To DEFINE Success For Yourself

2 years ago

Heightened Living answering the most popular question on success - What Is Success? Defining Success For Yourself
The Definition of Success is:

"The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted."

In other words, success is defined merely as achieving something that we desire, planned or are attempting.

That means the pictures of the person on a Yacht, the Lamborghini's in the garage, or someone with tons of men or women... Isn't necessarily successful.

To have success, you have start by defining it for yourself.

If you believe the typical hocus pocus concocted by the media, then success is money, women, fame, cars, clothes, etc...

Although success is just getting slightly better every day.

Each of us has our internal definition of what we think or don't think success is.

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