Prophecy UPDATE April 24, 2022 Why Prophecy Helps

2 years ago

"Please know that I have been and even now am doing more research on all of this, especially related to what's known as both "The Great Awakening" and "The Great Reset." And I would certainly covet your prayers in this regard.

I have talked about the "The Great Awakening," the deception of Q-Anon. I've talked at great length in prior updates about The Great Reset and I'm still kind of working through, praying through, trying to understand the relationship between the two.

Because on one side, you seemingly have this utopia and on the other side, you have what seems to be this dystopia.
So what's really going on here?"

Okay, well, my problem is that this all is part of said "Great Awakening," "Q-Anon," "The New Age," and perhaps in some ways more importantly, "Gnosticism."

A Must see Expose on Gnosticism: ⁣

Now, when I say Gnosticism, that's usually met with a great deal of misunderstanding. I would say on average, and I don't mean to say this in any kind of a derogatory way, but I'll even confess for myself it wasn't until more recently that I really got a grasp of how pronounced and prevalent this Gnosticism is" -J D Farag

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