Enemies retreat! Ukraine defeated 9 waves of Russian attacks and destroyed 15 enemy air targets

2 years ago

Ukraine defeated 9 waves of Russian attacks and destroyed 15 enemy air targets | Update on the war of Russia and Ukraine on April 29.

The Ukrainian army repelled 9 enemy attacks, destroying 6 Russian tanks in the JFO area yesterday.

The Ukrainian army defeated 9 attacks and forced the enemy to retreat in the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) area, destroying a large number of Russian military vehicles.
The related statement was made by the JFO Group on Facebook, a reporter for Ukrinform reported.

In particular, Ukrainian defenders destroyed 6 Russian tanks, 1 artillery system, 12 armored vehicles, 1 motor vehicle and 1 anti-aircraft gun.

Ukrainian air defense units also shot down 1 enemy plane, 1 cruise missile and 5 drones in the area.

The Ukrainian army shot down a total of 15 enemy air targets yesterday, repelling the Russian military's air strikes.

“On April 28, 2022, the Russian invaders increased their air and sea-based air and cruise missile attacks. Five Kalibr and Kh-type missiles were shot down in the past day. The enemy also reinforced many unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the Ukrainian airspace, which were successfully destroyed by our air defense systems. 9 UAVs were hit, namely 7 Orlan-10 UAVs and 2 unidentified UAVs", the report states.

In the Kharkiv Region, the anti-aircraft missile unit of the Ukrainian Air Force shot down another Russian Su-34 fighter jet.

Russia's total combat losses in Ukraine have amounted to about 22,800 troops since the invasion began.

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.Video material taken from source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVvd1kiyqFs

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