GURPS Game Aid v0.10.0-3

3 years ago

Users Guide:
GURPS Discord server:

- Fixed Apply Injury dropdown on ADD window.
- Added Min and Max enforcement option on Resource Trackers
- Added system setting to hide QTY equipment icon
- Added system setting to restrict imports to Trusted or above
- Drag and drop on to 3d6 or Modifier Bucket for Blind roll
- /show skillnames or attributes - show best for all actors in a scene
- [!/chat command] will now disable private report back messages
- Added Tabbed charactersheet
- Fixed GCA export to correctly handle children weights
- Items (and Item features) will hover display the Item icon (very basic... would love CSS help!)
- Fixed GM "Send to" area to provide more room to see buttons
- Fixed bug in Item creation. Equipment can no longer contain other hidden equipment
- Added OtF buttons for margin of success (Rolltable formula "3d6 + @gmodc")
- Enhance /light to include intensity

Release 0.10.2 - 6/5/2021

- Fixed parse bug in bucket

Release 0.10.1 - 6/4/2021

- Fix for dragging Items on to unlinked tokens

Release 0.10.0 - 6/4/2021

- Foundry 0.8.x compatible!
- Updated /light <dim dist> <bright dist> <angle> <anim>|off where anim can be: torch, pulse, chroma, wave, fog, sunburst, dome, emanation, hexa, ghost, energy, roiling, hole
- Added \*Costs X trN and \*Costs X tr(_name_)
- Added support for translated attributes in OtF formulas (Will == Vonte in Portuguese)
- Added Ignore QTY/Count/Uses from import
- Remember carried, parent and equipped status from previous import

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