God the Father, the Great I Am! Sovereign. Above HIS Throne there is no other throne! 1 of 3 Videos

2 years ago

God is REAL and He wants to connect with YOU in REAL time and in REAL ways!

God the Father is the Everlasting God. He is immortal. He is the All-Sufficient God. He is the Provider and His Provision never ends. He is the God of Love and His love can never end!

He is the Almighty God and He wants us to call Him Abba Father - Daddy!

The only way back to Father God is through Jesus Christ, the Messiah, our Saviour - Who is the The Way.

For step-by-step help on how to accept Jesus as your personal Saviour, or how to re-connect with Him - you can view video number 1.1.1 Your Starting (Re-Starting) Point - in the Glory Walker playlist on this channel.

To learn more about the spiritual walk with Jesus, Holy Spirit and Heavenly Father, we recommend you watch the Glory Walker videos in that playlist, here on this channel.

It will give you an overview of the journey and inspire you for YOUR personal walk with God and give you tips on how you can have supernatural experiences with God, in REAL time and in REAL ways!


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Giving is an act of worship and your giving is pleasing to Heavenly Father. My prayer is that God will make all grace abound toward you and meet every one of your needs as you freely give! (2 Corinthians 9)

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