Are YOU Watching Illegal Star Wars?

2 years ago

The Original trilogy of Star Wars has many version. There is the original theatrical releases (yes, there are two from 1977), the rerelease after Empire that renamed the first movie to Episode IV: A New Hope, the THX remastered release on VHS in the mid 1990's, the special editions released in theaters, and a post prequel extra special edition.

George Lucas has continuously picked at the scab that is his first creation. There are many theories as to why he has created so many versions and keeps trying to make it perfect, but the result is the same, the fans are annoyed. Instead of making these versions a new encounter, George Lucas as replaced the previous version that was available. Want the original 1977 release on Blue Ray? Too bad. What about the mid-90's THX remaster on something other than VHS? Nope, not available. Every version has it fans and detractors. Every version should be available on the most recent media. George Lucas is the reason they are not.

Enter the fan created Despecialized edition. Seen by many fans as the best compromise on any media, this edition was created over many years by Petr Harmáček and a group of highly skilled fans. From a copyright stand point, watching this version of Star Wars is illegal, but fans do anyway. Are you one of them?

Channel Dad Bryon Lape reads an article by Leah Marilla Thomas on Looper about Petr Harmáček's lead fan effort to make the best, modern version of the original trilogy, without all the nonsense George Lucas has added, whatever excuse he gives for the change. What do you think of what the group lead by Petr Harmáček has created?

Want to read the original article by Leah Marilla Thomas? Here is the link on the Looper website:

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Jeremy of Geeks + Gamers loves to rant, usually about Star Wars and Lucasfilm. Channel Dad Bryon Lape is a founding member of The Fandom Menace, so why doesn’t he rant more? He personally knows Jeff of World Class Bullshitters and has recorded videos with him. Bryon Lape also knows the other members of the World Class Bullshitters and brought the fans together to create the podcast called The Fan Caste. He is older than Uncle Ethan as well. So why not rant more?

Ranting is negative energy and all it brings is more negativity. Jeremy may grow the Geeks and Gamers channel with his style and that is good for him. Jeff takes a more middle of the road approach with the World Class Bullshitters, but it is his factual toy videos, in particular the Star Wars toys, that has made his channel grow quite well. Channel Dad Bryon Lape takes a more positive approach to his channel and covers items that interest him. This does include Star Wars, the MCU, and other Pop Culture items, but it is not limited to that realm. Bryon Lape is also interested in Fitness, Health, Photography, Computer Generated Images (check out his DAZ Studio attempts….and yes, he is learning Blender), and many other delightful topics. After all, this is Channel Dad Bryon Lape's Random World of Wonderfulness.

Why the name “Channel Dad”? Why does Bryon Lape use that so much that he renamed his channel to reflect it? That is a most excellent question. When he decided to create a Blue Ocean Strategy for his channel, Bryon Lape decided to connect people and ideas. Though he does interviews from time to time, it is not a main thrust of his channel. Finding people with different ideas and connecting them with others is what he does best. The connecting is a talent Bryon Lape has had for years. When Jeff Hicks of the World Class Bullshitters gave him the title of “Channel Dad,” it was due to him driving the group to various events and connecting them with others. The Blue Ocean Strategy that Bryon Lape creates gives a more balanced approach to various pop culture events, even as Jeremy of Geeks + Gamers rants. Jeremy’s energy is balanced by Channel Dad’s moderated approach, giving members of the Fandom Menace a scale upon which to measure their own impressions. This is obvious from his Star Wars, DCEU, and MCU videos, so please delight in the other stuff too.

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