MW5 - King Crab Carapace - Solo Difficulty 100 with RAC/5s - YAML / Clan Invasion Mods

2 years ago

This was just a fun one I had recorded while working on some other videos. ɳɐɸɱɣ Ɖᴙσאϵ suggested in our other Carapace video that I build something similar. Since I already had this one in the can, so to speak, I said I would upload it. So here it is. Mod list is down below.

XenoPax Optimize 2.5
330s Pilot Overhaul
Expanded Company Logos
Prime 8s Botanical Splendour
Glowing Cockpit Glass (orange)
Staying Mech Wrecks
Staying Tank Wreckages
Clan Invasion Map and Vehicles Pack
Camo Spec 2.0
Clan Invasion MOd (Beta) (YAML Compatible)
Yet Another Weapon Clan
Yet Another Mechlab
Restore Traits
No Dialog HUD
In The Pit - A BattleMech Cockpit Mod
Battle FX Enhanced
Larger Markets
Lore Style 1 Day Armor Repairs
Mod Options
Mech Bundle (Community Asset Team)
Updated Skip Jumpship Animation
MW5 Compatibility Pack
Community Asset Bundle

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