What the MI Court of Appeals ruled this week about Election Integrity! - Constitution Seg. Recap S1E17

1 year ago

Constitution Segment Recap for "What the MI Court of Appeals ruled this week about Election Integrity". Voters in Michigan may request an audit on elections run by the Secretary of State, but the SoS does the audit of its own results? 🤔

“MCL 168.861 does NOT” allow Plaintiff to file a quo warranto claim as an individual in Michigan? 🤦🏼‍♂️


Have you read what your state constitution says about elections? What about your state statutes? We’ll go over the constitutional provisions and statutes regarding elections and individual rights to audit. You can find the MCoA decision here: https://tinyurl.com/mt7cwvs9

#WeThePeople #OathOfOffice #ElectionAudit #ElectionIntegrity #ConstitutionalAdvocate #Liberty #IndividualLiberties #Rights #Grassroots #GovernmentOverreach #OFthepeopleBYthepeopleFORthepeople

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