Have You Ever Gone Camping in the Winter?

2 years ago

S** is great but have you ever gone camping in the winter with somebody special and laid out under the bright unspoiled country stars in the middle of nowhere holding their hand, just kinda dreaming outloud about your future together, and they ain't saying a word cause words would ruin it, they just keep squeezin that hand real tight and lookin at you with those big sweet eyes and your phone goes off (how is there signal out here?) and you almost ignore it cause this moment is perfect but you check it just incase, and it's a text from your lover saying they just woke up in the tent and you weren't there and its scaring them, and the sick sinking realization that whatever is holding your hand hasn't said a word for the past 30mins, but it keeps staring at you, blinking one eye at a time, breathing out of synch, almost like mimicking you by moving its chest up and down without actually breathing, and now that tight grip on your hand just ain't quite as comforting

Donate: https://paypal.me/imachick

Music: Celtic Music - Wild Woods
Sauce: https://www.wallpaperup.com/133475/Gothic_Forest_Trees_Fantasy_river_mood.html

I started this channel on January 5, 2022 with the intention of posting daily short videos and practice my speaking ability. I have a deep passion for writing and eventually want to read my own stories. It will mostly be memes though.

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