What's In My May Wellness Box?

3 years ago

5/25/21 - It's that time of the month again...no not that time, Wellness Box time!! Let's see what items I got this time around and why, and how I use and will be using them, especially with the recent life challenges I have been going through this month with the recent passing of my younger brother and with getting out of a toxic relationship of almost 5 years, while also being in between jobs at the moment and trying to make ends meet and pay my monthly bills. This is also why I invest in my health with keeping my monthly wellness box going, because if I didn't, my health would be far worse and take a much more serious toll on me then even the recent panic episodes I have developed due to all the stressors. These items have been a saving grace and without them I would not be able to continue traversing life and its curve balls as I have been. To be honest, I probably would have just given up and faded away and then stopped the caring of my grandfather which would not have ended well for him either, so I use these products so that I can keep going for not only my own sanity, but so I can keep caring for the one who needs me now - my grandfather who has health and mental challenges now in his old age of 96 and with keeping him in his own home.

I will also include a donation link for anyone who feels called to help support me during this time as it will make a load of difference with the bills this month while I am in between jobs and dealing with the stages of grief and loss. Thank you all so much for any and all donations. It really does lift my spirits and lets me know that my story is valued and appreciated and that I can help not only myself but others as well, and that I feel is my true purpose here in this lifetime.

Here is my donation link for those who feel called to donate - https://www.paypal.me/JenniferLynnHawley

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