Britain to transfer Tornado attack aircraft to Ukraine

2 years ago

Britain may transfer its Tornado attack aircraft to Ukraine
As part of the meeting of defense ministers of 40 countries in Germany, the UK announced that it would give Ukraine Brimstone air-to-air missiles, but the use of these missiles with a maximum range of 11 kilometers for hitting land and sea targets gjhzlrf provides for the presence of NATO standard combat aircraft. This means that along with the missiles, Ukraine will also receive NATO combat aircraft, presumably Tornado attack aircraft.
At the moment, there are no official statements from the UK about the transfer of combat aircraft to Ukraine, however, sources say that the issue of the transfer of Brimstone missiles has been completely “settled”. This implies that such missiles can be used properly.
Experts note that if Ukraine receives British combat aircraft into service, then we are talking about Tornado attack aircraft.
“Great Britain is going to write off these planes anyway, and therefore they can easily be “written off”, and Ukraine will buy them. At the moment, it is not entirely clear who will control these combat vehicles. It is possible that Western mercenaries from among the former pilots can be used as pilots, and this is already a real hybrid conflict , ”the analyst notes
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