2 years ago

Well, irrespective of if you like or dislike Ukraine, Russia, NATO, USA, Trudeau, Elon Musk or Micky Mouse - you can be sure of one thing - Food is going to become scarce or near impossible to find or exorbitantly costly to buy.
Many nations will face mass starvation and a cataclysm of a scale people have never seen in their lives.
And ohh, I forgot to mention - we shall also be in a long drawn out world war.
So, going back to basics - Canada cannot feed itself when the chips are down, and chips are going to be down very soon.
So here is a short clips of making a vegetable bed, Tony Mitra style.
Growing food is going to be the most critical skill you will need, if you wish to live past the next five years. After that, all bets are off.
You will never find these videos on YouTube, because I have boycotted it for their tendency to censor free speech.

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