Introduction to Breathwork with Christopher Gladwell

2 years ago

You are invited to join the Elevate Network to partipate in even more transformative experiences

This special 90 minute session offers a short introduction to the theory of breathwork followed by a guided practical session that invites you to practice a number of different breathwork techniques that will help you to relax, reduce stress, boost your decision making power and become more present.

Christopher Gladwell has been studying and practicing yoga in its many forms through physical practice (asana), conscious breathwork (pranayama), mindfulness, meditation, devotion and more for over 35 years. He is also a biologist and studied Western psychology, psychotherapy, NLP, clinical hypnosis and explored martial arts, dance, mindful movement and other bodywork.

How to continue your breathwork journey with Christopher Gladwell:

1) Breath of Compassion - Free-

2) The 7 Day Breath Challenge - £29

3) Conscious Breathwork - Level 1 - £129

4) Master Your Mind - £1997

Please use the discount code 'elevate15' to get 15% off the above courses.

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