Trigger Warning | Idolatry | Part 4 | Pastor Jason Henderson

2 years ago

#idolatry #worship #heart #identify

The Definition
Trigger: to cause an intense and usually negative emotional reaction in (someone)

If we allow our triggers to go unchecked they have a way of becoming so negative that we lose our sanity, our peace, our focus, and our victory.

The Purpose of the series is to help us identify the Four areas in which Satan operates to destroy our lives and keep us from being victorious.
Our Relationship With God
Our Relationship With Self
Our Relationship With Others
Our Relationship With Church
Our Relationship With God Is Triggered By Three Main Fronts:
Your Worldview
Your Demonic Influence
Your Battle Over Idolatry

1 Corinthians 10:14

Idolatry: image-worship or divine honor paid to any created object.

The Two Areas Satan Uses To Attack Us With Idolatry

Idolatry Attacks What We Worship (Heart)

Romans 1:21-27

Worship is something that everyone does:

God is a worshipper, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. For all eternity they have poured out themselves in love and service to each other to have a perfect relationship with one another.

All People made into the image of God, naturally worship, believers and non-believers alike. Martin Luther said, “whatever your heart clings to or rely upon, that is your God.

Worship is manifested externally but it always begins internally first.

Jesus Christ will never share your heart with idols you worship in your life.

All Idols must be removed and forsaken before a person worships and follows God.

Satan does not care what you worship as long as it is not God.
-worship legalism -worship works
-worship sexual attraction -worship pride or position
-worship money or power -worship self or humanism
-just not God, anything but God

Idolatry Attacks What We Think We Understand (Minds)

Psalm 50:16-21

Idolatry is thinking thoughts about God that are completely untrue and unworthy of Him.
Idolatry is lowering God to your level, robbing Him of His majesty and holiness.
Idolatry is making God a false god in our own imagination and mind.

How Can We Fight Against Idolatry In Our Hearts and Minds?

1. Seek To Worship God With A Pure Heart

Hosea 6:6

Idolatry has no place in our hearts when our hearts are filled with a passion and a desire is to know who God really is.

2. Seek To Worship God With A BIBLICAL Understand Of Who He Is

Proverbs 9:10

All worship of any kind is unacceptable when we attempt to form God’s pattern of thinking to our pattern of understanding.

Idols lie. They promise satisfaction and peace to us, when in fact they never satisfy the addition or bring lasting peace and tranquillity. The ONLY things that idols leave behind are, desperation, destruction, and death.

Philippians 3:17-21


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