Pfizer Raids 401(k)s and Investor Nest Eggs to Support HRC & WEF

2 years ago

At Pfizer's annual shareholder meeting on April 28, 2022, Free Enterprise Project (FEP) Associate Ethan Peck presented Proposal 5. His supporting statement is below and heard in this clip.

The board’s empty statement in opposition to our proposal is telling of its corruption and attitude towards shareholders, and is all the more reason for shareholders to vote in favor of our proposal. The board claims that political expenditures are already in alignment with the company’s fundamental purpose and that all relevant information is publicly disclosed by Pfizer. But that is false.

Our proposal is simple: that Pfizer align its political spending with its fiduciary responsibility and that Pfizer is transparent with shareholders about such spending so that shareholders know that their assets are being reallocated in a way that serves their interests.

If the Pfizer board is so proud of its contributions to social and political causes, then it shouldn’t be reluctant to disclose the full nature of such contributions to anyone, let alone the shareholders financing this crony spending spree. Mr. Bourla, why are you so content in using shareholder money to support political causes but also so reluctant for those same shareholders – who are footing the bill – to have knowledge of the full extent of such spending?

Take, for example, Pfizer’s “platinum partnership” with the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), which is the highest level of corporate sponsorship that HRC offers. This spending is not disclosed by Pfizer to its shareholders in any report, contrary to the fraudulent claims by the board. HRC is a radical organization which has lobbied ruthlessly against Florida’s anti-grooming legislation. It was HRC who pressured Disney to capitulate to the woke mob against the legislation. And Disney, by the way, isn’t even an HRC sponsor, but Pfizer is. Pfizer is funding this grooming effort – again, with our money – to keep it legal for teachers to be able to talk to kids as young as 4 years old about sex. If you are proud of using our money for this disturbing agenda, then be forthright about it.

Another example is Pfizer’s “strategic partnership” with the World Economic Forum. That is a higher level of sponsorship and is not disclosed by Pfizer to its shareholders. The WEF also dubs Mr. Bourla himself as an “agenda contributor.” This WEF agenda includes “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” and the “Internet of Bodies.” The WEF defines the Fourth Industrial Revolution as a “new chapter in human development…forcing us to rethink what it means to be human.” The Internet of Bodies is about using devices to connect our bodies together to form an internet-type web of humans. Through Pfizer’s sponsorship of the WEF, we are funding this anti-human dystopian vision for the future. Do shareholders know this?

The board also claimed that Pfizer PAC reports are publicly available, but no such report since 2019 is. Why? What about Pfizer PAC spending in 2020 and 2021? Why isn’t that on the site? Seems relevant considering there was a global pandemic which Pfizer made a vaccine for – the same vaccine that was mandated by the politicians who Pfizer financially supported. Pfizer shareholders deserve to know how their money is being used to stomp on the freedoms of everyday Americans.

These are only a few examples of spending not disclosed by Pfizer. Shareholders deserve to be assured that all political spending – down to the cent – is aligned with Pfizer’s fiduciary responsibility to its shareholders. The board’s dismissal of this proposal – which shouldn’t have to be voted on in the first place – is telling of its corruption.

We encourage shareholders – of all political viewpoints – to support our request for transparency and integrity.

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