On why Shinran ate meat and other precepts

3 years ago

Fragment from one of our zoom meetings with members of Amidaji sangha.

Here is the chapter in my Commentary on the Larger Sutra I was referring to in the video:
"The karmic situation of beings who have no aspiration for Enlightenment and Shakyamuni’s encouragement to do good in daily life and wish to be born in the Pure Land – commentary on sections 31 - 40 (PART II) of the Larger Sutra" - http://amida-ji-retreat-temple-romania.blogspot.com/2019/09/the-karmic-situation-of-beings-who-have_10.html

Here is what Rennyo Shonin said to meat eaters - https://amida-ji-retreat-temple-romania.blogspot.com/2009/04/words-of-rennyo-useful-for-meat-eaters.html

And here is the definition of sexual misconduct according to various passages in the sacred texts - http://amida-ji-retreat-temple-romania.blogspot.com/2020/10/the-definition-of-sexual-misconduct.html

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