Plastic Surgery: Capitalism is NOT the Problem

2 years ago

I was requested to check out another video by Jordan Theresa, this time covering plastic surgery in relation to her blaming capitalism relative to the advertising, etc. Whilst I acknowledge there are problems today, capitalism is not the problem. In my video I set about explaining that not only is there manipulation of the markets today, but also given the choices available, the problem can be a variety of external factors and more often than not it is your own personal responsibility.

Capitalism gives people options for what they wish to do, just like how I had choice between turning to medication or reading books that contains knowledge to fix my problems. It is no different to plastic surgery, sometimes it may be the right thing for people and help boost people's confidence, other times it may not fix the problem at all.

The reason why capitalism is not the problem is because these issues will exist even without capitalism, the difference is, you'll be left with nothing to assist you with. One only needs to look at the example of Venezuela to see there is a problem. There is no denying, however, the negative impact that social media may have on people, as well as advertising that can make people feel insecure, whether it is through television or magazines, but one has personal responsibility to not only reject that by mind, but also finding the best version of yourself that is realistic.

I learned a lot of that through the book 'Psycho-Cybernetics' by Maxwell Maltz and illustrates how an alternative means can be used. Jordan Theresa illustrates subconsciously by showing herself without makeup that proves the point that one doesn't really need to go to such lengths of all the botox, etc, more often than not it is what is in your own head that is the problem.

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