Reviewing "In Order To Live"

3 years ago

During the Friday night livestream on Aya Katz's channel, she discussed the "Touched By An Angel" episode "Liberty Moon," which is about Chinese student dissidents and Tiananmen Square. See the livestream here:

I also started discussing the Yeonmi Park biography "In Order To Live," which is the story of a North Korean defector who left at the young age of thirteen. This Sunday we continued the discussion by my sharing my thoughts on being halfway through the book "In Order To Live".

There are many parallels between these stories, even though the Touched By An Angel episode is fictional. The underlining theme is socialist societies are not the utopians some westerners believe. Yeonmi Park's life was one of starvation and deprivation. Her mom even told her to censor her thoughts because the leader of the country could hear her and punish her family. Eventually, her family escaped, but you can hear more about her stories and book on her channel.

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