Paul Mason 2: VEGETABLE MYTHS & 2. electrolytes, sodium critical to cell and bone health

3 years ago

interviewed by Dr Mariela Glandt
April 2020

Dr Glandt tried full-scale carnivore, for a month,
eating mostly liver and eggs...

Question: How critical is eating "nose to tail"?

"If you don't like liver, there are plenty of people,
in great health, who don't eat the
odds and ends of the animal"

Eggs are nature's multivitamin--it has a whole
organism that comes out of it...
there is nothing missing, nutritionally, from an egg yolk

Nutrient density of animal foods is
so much more than plant foods

"I don't eat a lot of liver"

"I'm afraid of stopping eating all vegetables,
if you don't eat internal organs"

This shows the level of indoctrination we have had!

from the dietary guidelines that say:
vegetables are essential, healthy foods

If search: "What essential nutrients do I get from
vegetables that I cannot get from meat"

The list will not have anything on it

There are literally no essential nutrients
that veggies have that meat does not

There are none!

We have been indoctrinated to believe that fruits
& vegetables are incredibly healthy foods

What about bone broth?

All the minerals, potassium, etc are in the sediment
on the bottom of the pot!

The minerals in the broth itself is not particularly high.

"I am a hedonist, eat what I want;
I don't eat bone broth"

Ketogenic diet can be dehydrating!

Kidneys have 4 transporters telling the body to:
hold on to sodium...
they are all stimulated by insulin

On keto, your body wastes (loses)
sodium (insulin is now lower) &
you lose water (was held by sodium)

When eating chicken soup or bone broth,
containing lots of sodium...
that helps in transition to keto dieting,
until your kidneys figure out
true sodium needs

Keto beginners, eating chicken soup...
have amazing results!

It might be the potassium, a mix of electrolytes

Dr Steve Phinney, in studies, showed that, unless
keto athletes got enough sodium,
their performance suffered greatly

Studies: Potassium, phosphates, nitrogen (protein)...
patients on intravenous feeding.

What if we eliminate sodium?

Result: Ability to form muscle tissue dropped
by two-thirds (67%)

Eliminate potassium? 100% drop

Electrolytes & these other substances...
Are critical.

People may just say:
"When I have them, I feel so much better!"

These maintain intravascular volume!

If you're trying to build new muscle cells, you better
provide the building blocks

Like, building bone, calcium alone
is not enough...need protein

Cannot build new cell without all ingredients required
for inside the cell...including electrolytes

Bone health requires sodium

Women's Health Initiative found:
those with low sodium had high
rates of hip fracture!

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