The Ruby Ray in the Heart | Heartstream 27-04-2022

2 years ago

Join me every Wednesday at 12:00 PM US EST for our weekly LIVE live broadcast for Heart-Centered individuals around the planet who wish to raise their vibrational frequency, boost their immune system, and unify our hearts in prayer and meditation.

In this week's Heartstream, we'll be talking about the Path of the Ruby Ray. What does the Ruby Ray in the heart symbolize? How is this path initiated? We'll be exploring the answers to these questions and more. During the second half, I'll guide a process to activate the Ruby Ray vibrations within your heart chakra. This will be very useful if you're someone committed to following the path of the heart.

00:00:00 Introduction and the main topic
00:30:00 Guided Meditation
00:52:00 Closing remarks


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A percentage of the proceeds goes to PATCH, a South African-based organization dedicated to bringing hope and healing to children who have been sexually abused.

Song: 'Where the Heart Is' by Reuben Halsey. Used with permission of the author.
Visuals: Screenflow Stock Media Library. Purchased license.

Relevant Keywords: #heartcoherence #meditation #spirituality

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