[Free Association] Guns and Mental Health | With Jake Wiskerchen & Michael Sodini

2 years ago

Premiering tonight at 8 p.m. ET!

Carter chats with Jake Wiskerchen and Michael Sodini, co-hosts of the Guns and Mental Health podcast. They discuss the origins of such an unusual pairing of industries, the stigma behind seeking mental health services, and the failure of mental health professionals to relate to those immersed in gun culture. The Guns and Mental Health podcast can be found at WalkTheTalkAmerica.org or on your favorite podcast platform.

Michael Sodini is the President of Walk the Talk America, which is an organization that aspires to reduce suicides and other negative incidents associated with firearm ownership. He is also a 3rd generation firearm industry professional, and known by many as the “most un-gun, gun guy.”

Find him online:
Twitter: @mikesodini
Web: WalkTheTalkAmerica.org

Jake Wiskerchen is a licensed marriage and family therapist and lifelong gun owner who has worked in the mental health field for more than a dozen years. He owns Zephyr Wellness, an outpatient counseling agency in northern Nevada, and is an avid homebrewer.

Find him online:
Twitter: @jakewisk
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ZephyrWellness

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