MANIFEST YOUR DESTINY by Dr.Wayne Dyer (Full Audiobook).

2 years ago

Law of Attraction Mentors presents an original recording: "MANIFEST YOUR DESTINY" by Dr.Wayne Dyer (Full Audiobook).

From the inspirational leader and author of the international bestsellers Your Sacred Self and Your Erroneous Zones comes this mind-awakening guidebook for making your desires reality.

Based on ancient principles and spiritual practices, Manifest Your Destiny teaches the process of meditation as a way to streamline your thoughts, desires, goals, and, ultimately, your life. Are the decisions and actions in your life controlled by your ego? Are you weighted down with unresolved troubles? Do you feel out of touch with your environment? Do you complain, find fault, or take for granted more often than you appreciate your life? You can overcome these barriers with Dyer’s technique, as outlined in his Nine Spiritual Principles that will teach you to develop spiritual awareness, reconnect with the world, trust yourself and accept your worth, and let go of demands. Filled with warmth and insight, this invaluable book will help you achieve your goals and take you to a level higher than you've ever dreamed. Listen to the calming voice of Dr. Wayne Dyer as her reads his book, “Manifest Your Destiny” .

The Law of Attraction tells us we have to be aligned with the vibration of whatever it is we are wanting to manifest. With a lifetime of programming, we need to upgrade the tapes that are already playing in our head. Listen to this subliminal while you sleep or in the background to your day. Gentle summer rain is comforting while the subliminal are low enough for the subconscious to pick up but not irritatingly loud enough to "sort of" be heard. 21 days to new habitual thinking; 90 days with clear results, 12 months for more permanent thought and vibration reconditioning.

You've read the Law of Attraction books, watched Law of Attraction movies, and spent money you were trying to manifest into your life on Law of Attraction courses with Law of Attraction mentors, but none of it is working. Maybe you manifest things but you lose them or they spin out of control into a negative outcome pattern you’re trying to break.

Maybe you’re at the point where you just don’t believe in this woo-woo stuff anymore. Hang with us for a few minutes because we have a simplified explanation of the Law of Attraction and how you can start manifesting on purpose!

15 Minute Manifesting - fantastic system here:

Gratitude Attitude Notebook

A Focus Wheel Manifesting Journal

My Book of Positive Aspects: Change Your Relationships in 30 Days!

The ProJect Project Workbook

Afformations Colouring Book

Mandala Colouring Book

Dreamcatcher Colouring Book

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