Life | Nobuyuki Mizuoka

2 years ago

Here is a breathtaking original Nobuyuki Mizuoka composition that is the seventh track on his 2009 album "Life."

Piano: Nobuyuki Mizuoka 水岡のぶゆき
Guitar: Hiroaki Okabe 岡部浩明
Bass: Naoki Koyama 小山尚希
Drums: Masaki Akiba 秋葉正樹

Photographs of Nobuyuki Mizuoka and Tokyo Dome are the property of A. Kurita.

Public-domain images were sourced at Wikimedia Commons and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

The unique melodies of Composer-Pianist Nobuyuki Mizuoka are routinely featured in the background music of the TV-Asahi Channel’s 秘湯ロマン (“Hitou Roman”— Hidden Hot Spring Romance) program in Japan.

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