Lite Legs and Arms - 20220427

2 years ago

“Wellness is a connection of paths: knowledge and action.” – Joshua Holtz


Today’s Routine:

Leg Press
Set 1: 388x15
Set 2: 478x15
Set 3: 568x15
Set 4: 658x15
Best 1RM: 987.00

Leg Extension
Set 1: 160x15
Set 2: 175x15
Set 3: 190x15
Set 4: 205x15
Best 1RM: 307.50

Prone Leg Curl
Set 1: 90x15
Set 2: 105x15
Set 3: 120x15
Set 4: 135x15
Best 1RM: 202.50

Set 1: 210x15
Set 2: 210x15
Set 3: 210x15
Set 4: 210x15
Best 1RM: 315.00

Smith Machine Close Grip Bench Press
Set 1: 110x15
Set 2: 110x15
Set 3: 110x15
Set 4: 110x15
Best 1RM: 165.00

Triceps Pushdown V Bar
Set 1: 50x15
Set 2: 65x15
Set 3: 80x15
Set 4: 80x15
Best 1RM: 120.00

Sunga Life Training Shorts:

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