Tree Of All, The Origin Story

2 years ago

A NFT Project by Michaelson Williams

The Tree Of ALL, is a NFT project in which only 23 artworks possessing Secret Text will ever be created. Within the "Tree Of ALL" works of art are Secret Words of distinguished meaning, words that, when found by the seeker opens the mental pathways toward great power and success. The total number of created “Tree Of ALL” NFT art pieces that are being produced and minted 23 have considerable meaning, but not too everyone. This special number 23 only has the power to call out too, or resonate with, twenty three people, including the original creator. This does not mean that the initial owners of one of these unique pieces will be the last as the 23 individual art pieces will not rest until in the possession of their Rightful Owner's.

Along with each of the, Special Hidden Text, 23 digital artistry pieces come the subsequent story, but with an additional entry not published anywhere else. The additional storyline is an NFT in itself, and will only be granted to Tree Of ALL secret text artwork owner's. This secret of sorts, when read, has the ability to open the door to a higher level of consciousness, which if used properly can lead to unimaginable growth, Success, and of course Wealth. You may be thinking to yourself... How Is This Possible?... Well let me give you a little hint. Most of what you know or think you know is irrelevant to the true attainment of everything. If you don't understand what was just mentioned don't bother with the Tree Of ALL NFT's. It's not for you, at least not at this point in time.

Possession of thee "Tree Of ALL" artworks and its Full Origin Story is like having the keys to unlock the deepest and most powerful potential in ones self. Seeker's who have already gone far enough on their life journey will comprehend the concepts found within. The others will find most, if not all of the story and this introduction too it, to be clap-trap, or meaningless drivel. This is just how the Tree Of ALL experience works. With that being said if you are one of the 23 of the interim or final owner's there is still the task of finding the words coupling them with the story including the yet unpublished entry, and unlocking the secret. Those unwilling to go the full way will unlock nothing, and those who follow the road to the end will find triumph.

This presentation is a mind set expansion exercise and should be treated as such. This creation has absolutely no guarantees to make you money, extraordinary success, or anything of the sort in anyway whatsoever. These things are already in your possession, and while possibly lost do not require any special magical secret. You can buy, sell, or trade these NFT artworks as any other non fungible token in the marketplace. The creator has no responsibility to anyone for losses, nor gains, financial or otherwise in associations with thee Tree Of ALL, the origin story, or anything else related to this NFT project. No offers for these artworks will be accepted unless the number 23 is included twice in your bid.

Thank you and enjoy your journey of mind.

Please Contact Michaelson through email only.

Thank You!

See full sample gallery here:

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