The David Knight Show 27Apr22 - Unabridged

2 years ago

Segment 1

* Biden's cynical handful of pardons as jails filled by HIS draconian laws

* Biden Administration is DEMANDING BigTech censorship (and they've already covered for Biden over 600 times)

* Intel Community's usual suspects and disinformation agents are demanding that BigTech monopolies be protected as a matter of "national security". They also want a seat at the table for any legislation

Segment 2 begins approximately 00:29:11

* Dems today make the 1st move to impeach Clarence Thomas because of his wife's involvement in StopTheSteal. What got her started? Infowars/Pieczenik's "STING" hoax

Segment 3 begins approximately 00:58:12

* TSA has a roadmap for beginning a biometric (facial) database of all flyers

* Did the FBI steal buried Civil War gold treasure?

* Paper Gold, Physical Gold, Russian Oil — the arbitrage move that's making insiders rich

Segment 4 begins approximately 01:20:09

* Meme tries to race shame gunowners, fails comically

* REVEALED: what's behind the agenda of the Sodom Go-Marxist politicians as proud, self-described "lesbian Marxists" elected by both teachers & librarians to head their unions.

Segment 5 begins approximately 02:01:47

* NPR makes an interesting admission (in order to sell a NEW vaccine) about old Polio Vaccine GIVING the disease to children in developing countries

* Laughable "study" claims the heart-attack jabs PROTECT from cardio disease

* The dose is the poison

Segment 6 begins approximately 02:25:19

* I'll believe Twitter is Free Speech when these things happen…

* UK, EU and others are demanding censorship continue on Twitter

* Is Musk a FreeSpeech "absolutist"?

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