Extreme MC(2012)

2 years ago

This was yet another song I wrote & recorded at 14. This song started as a project for my History class. At the time I was in 7th grade & they assigned us a project to do a presentation on a area of Houston I think or some location(I can't remember what exactly it was, lol!!!) They gave us the options of doing it on post cards or a Powerpoint slide show I starting writing a script which turn into lyrics & decided to do it as song instead. I spent the next week doing the research & writing bars about what researched. Then I spent the next 3 days recording the original song, & making a slide show for it(The original song & slide show are still up on my old channel if you wanna watch it). After I finished it I took too school, presented it too the class & the other kids & teachers where blown away!!! I defiantly got a good grade on my assignment, lol! Over the summer after that year, I went back & rerecorded it with a better mic & released that version as part of my Mad Skillz album. That's the main version that this video is.

This song is available for download on both Soundcloud & Reverbnation. If you wanna download it or check out & download other songs by me & more check me out on:
Reverbnation: http://www.reverbnation.com/mcjosiah
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/mc-josiah

Also check me out social media at:
Minds: https://www.minds.com/animelover123/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mcjosiah4life/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRealMCJosiah

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