Russia and 911

2 years ago

Russia and 9/11

The media silence on all of this was beyond a failure it was and is a pattern. Plainly put I view the media as access prostitutes. “I’ll say whatever you want. Just include me in your inner circle.” It’s pathetic. The video is about one of the first articles that appeared in Pravda. It was called ‘Will America and the Dollar Fall?” I wrote about the article several times and a few years later as Putin began to clamp down in their media I decided to write about it yet again. It had almost completely been scrubbed from their servers. Here we are 21 years later and nobody remembers. The few who do remember get it completely wrong.

Dr. Tatyana Koryagina said on June 12th 2001 that we would be attacked on August 19th it was September 11th. She wrote a fair number of articles regarding us and this. The link below leads to an article put up in 2016 or so and refers to an interview with Tatyana Koryagina in November of 2001. There may be a bit of revisionism in here. But having been familiar with the original work I don’t really see it.

Read it and copy it and store it on a CD or some nonmagnetic format that won’t be wiped by an EMP. Below is the link to the original article I found on this subject.

Here is another interesting read. It’s from Larouche, but it is an interview with Tatanya Koryagina. It is an inside look. She’s discussing the shadow economy. The mob.

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