015 Sugar Man - UPDATE ORDEAL! Alpha 59 Chaos!!! >White Wolf Attack... Killed By Death!!! > > > Subsistence

2 years ago

Sugar Man was expecting to leave for the long-planned lava cave adventure. We were looking forward to the trek from the north lake caves to the south lake caves. Nearly all supply deliveries were complete and everything was in order. The trip was about to unfold...

Then on departure day, the Alpha 59 update dropped - right on Sugar Man's food store. Upon logging in it was discovered that all perishable food items were different. They were showing progress bars, which could only mean one thing. FOOD SPOILAGE. An update must have dropped!

Neither Sugar Man, or myself, were aware that this update was coming. So, I miss the news sometimes!!! It took me completely by surprise and created an URGENT food spoilage situation. Truthfully, I lost hundreds of items in all categories for which food degradation was now in force, with the update. This is discussed in detail in the video.

Aside from the shock and awe effects of the update, this video will also show some interesting cave experiments with crystal / loot spawning. I have discovered something (during my breaks from work) when I log into Subsistence for a few minutes, here and there. If I log in for a bit while on a break, I tend to find crystal ore, coal, mushrooms, and phosphate. [Since I work for myself, I can take breaks whenever I want.] So anyway; it does not always happen, but I noticed it happens often enough to justify checking into it several times. Logging in or out for an hour, or for fifteen minutes, and even five minutes or so (depending on how often I take work breaks -- > then I return and find more crystal). This is how I made the discovery. Try it out sometime.

In other cave related action, a bat comes for Sugar Man while he is doing some housekeeping/organizing. The bat ends up dead by shotgun blast. Sugar Man is unscathed. No bite. No injury, No sickness.

Swimming toward home in the lake during a blizzard (white-out conditions), Sugar Man is attacked by White Wolf that appears out of nowhere. YIKES!

*** Down To The Nitty Gritty. ***

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