Van Halen tribute, VH3, Wemindji, Quebec, Aug, 4, 2004

2 years ago

This was an amazing adventure. Performing in my Van Halen tribute, version 3, on an Cree Indian reserve by James Bay, Quebec, Canada!
We performed with a Beyonce tribute, and Avril tribute. What a strange billing! lol Those girl who sing as them are amazing and sound just like them!
I have no idea why they had us perform there. I'm sure we scared them to death playing rock lol. Me in my crazy outfits, screaming etc. .LOL

We were actually using the same sound system Shania Twain used they claim.

Come see the beautiful nature scenes, raging rivers and peaceful lakes.

I was so lucky to see them cook Canadian Geese over an open fire inside a real TeePee! Amazing! It tasted just like Roast beef surprisingly!

See all my other videos on my channel! check my playlists! Lots of fun to be seen!

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