Loading Tires on A Compact Tractor?! PLUS: HOUSE BUILD UPDATE

3 years ago

Lat year's hay season didn't go so well. We were both happy it was DONE. Our biggest issue was the Maxilator Hay accumulator and the Skid Steer. Neither seemed to work too well.

This year, we have a better idea, but will THIS do the trick? Loading tires allows a tractor's loader to better balance it's load. Our new 55hp TYM is LIGHT compared to our 115hp New Holland . . . will loading the tires be just the trick to safely handle a grapple system with 10 bales?

The hay fields are looking ROUGH . . . there MIGHT NOT be enough HAY. Fighting to save what little bit she can, Suzanne decides she's going to take an expensive risk . . .

PLUS, what happened to our HOUSE BUILD?!

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👉 Check out TYM Tractors online 👌 https://tym.world/en-us/

💕 Spec our our amazing TYM 574 Tractor HERE: https://tym.world/en-us/products/tractors/compact/series-4/t574/


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Join "What The Farm Girl" on her many CRAZY adventures running their NEWLY BUILT, FIRST GENERATION family farm on 87 acres in Western Michigan. Born and raised a city-girl, she's finding out everyday what's she's made of as she struggles to figure out planting, harvesting and equipment repair. With plenty of tongue-in-cheek humor and lots of mischief, you never know what you'll watch next!

Women-run farms are so very scarce, but Farm Girl shows that girls don't just have a place "helping" on the farm, they can RUN the SHOW!

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WTFarm Girl
PO Box 228
Sand Lake, MI 49343

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