The Twilight Zone - To Serve Man

2 years ago

Headlines around the world blare the news. Aliens have finally found us. Weighing in at 350 lbs. each, the Kanamits are an impressive breed. Standing a little over nine feet tall, they dazzle the world with polished rhetoric and winning promises that would make a politician's head spin. With their superior technology, they teach man how to end famine, harness energy and lay down their guns. The title of a Kanamit book left at the UN seems to say it all—translated it reads: "To Serve Man." While decoding experts struggle to decipher the rest of the book, thousands, including head cryptographer Michael Chambers, book passage to the Kanamits' home planet. By the time his assistant translates the book, it's too late...because Michael Chambers and thousands more like him have just bought a one-way ticket into The Twilight Zone!"[1]

Luke 17
26 [a]And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the Son of man.

27 They ate, they drank, they married wives, and gave in marriage unto the day that Noah went into the Ark: and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

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