Are You A True Christian Or A Son Of Hell?

2 years ago

The Global Elite WEF UN WHO CFR Their Plan is simple to Kill and destroy and anyone left standing will be a slave to their system in servitude.

God will not sit back indefinatley and not react. Judgments are coming.
Seals, Trumpets and Vials.

Hollywood Knows it. That's why they made films to mock Prophecy like Rapture Palooza 2013.

Matthew 13 - 28 The Evidence Bible NKJB

The Narrow Way
You Will Know Them By Their Fruits
I Never Knew You
Built On The Rock

If you claim Christ as your Lord and Savior are you really following him alone as God and believing his words? Or are you believing and trusting in someone else's Word, Testimony, Example, Way?

Trump is a deceiver, a liar, a man not to be trusted in any way.
Antichrist Trump vs AC Son of Perdition Obama 2024. Rigged staged political theatre. Just like Trump vs Biden 2020. Rigged staged political theatre.

Some False rapture setters know well enough who Obama and Pope Francis are prophetically speaking but are lying everyday to their audiences about their next date with lying signs and wonders. The wonder in it all is that their garbage/lies are believed. Especially when it contradicts or goes against the clear teaching of scripture Genesis to Revelation. Or they use all practices of divination even new made up ones in order to convince their audience that rapture is tomorrow.
Many peoples faith will be lost when they are truly tested here in the West because of the trials that await them because its Gods timetable not theirs.

Do you value your soul? Have you given thought to that its a Narrow Gate to Eternal life as apposed to easy broad street that leads to Eternal Damnation?

So much more deception is coming. People's faith will continue to be tested until the day of our redemption for those "who are alive and remain" at the sixth seal Gathering event in the clouds.

Too get to redemption day you must pray to escape all these things. Escape meaning to live through the 5th seal unscathed. Some will, some wont. Do not fear what man can do to the body (death) but cannot kill the soul, but rather Fear God who can throw both soul and body into Hell.

The choice is ours. Choose Christ. Gain eternal Life.

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