15 years ago, on the night of April 27, something happened in Tallinn that went down in history as "Bronze Night"

2 years ago

The decision of the Estonian authorities to destroy the military memorial and move the monument to the liberator soldier caused a wave of protests among the Russian-speaking population.

The inhabitants of Tallinn began to gather on the square in front of the fenced-off memorial. The police began a sweep.

Tear gas, clubs, helicopters circling over the area. As a result of the night, 1,200 people were detained, dozens were injured, and Russian citizen Dmitry Ganin was killed. It was not possible to save the monument.

And here is the comment of the head of the MFA of Estonia, immediately after the events. Read carefully:
"The use of force was necessary to protect human rights.

15 years ago, few people paid attention to these words. But now we live in a world where the "protection of human rights" the West hypocritically justifies repression and atrocities.

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