Hearing on Mature Minor Doctrine

3 years ago

Honorable Members of the Joint Government Operations Committee,

I speak for all of those who participate in our community with Tennessee Stands across our great state that we are incredibly thankful for your strong and steadfast voice in this week’s meeting concerning the Mature Minor Doctrine in addressing the TN Department of Health.

In particular, you made it clear to the department that it is wholly inappropriate for the state to market medical treatment directly to minors. You stood strong for parental rights and made it clear that the Mature Minor Doctrine is not law and is being used inappropriately by the TN Department of Health, way beyond the limitations and intentions of the statutes passed by the General Assembly.

Further, the committee made a strong stand for our constitutional form of government in reiterating that the health department is a legislatively created body and as such is under the strict rule of the General Assembly and therefore could be dissolved and reconstituted at your pleasure. It is way past time that bureaucrats and administrators in our government learn their place and understand that they are subordinate to the people of this state through our elected representation in the legislature.

Lastly, it was stated that while it may be appropriate for a governmental agency to provide resources to the public, it is not the purpose of government to coerce or convince citizens to engage in activity they inherently disagree with. In our opinion, the marketing of masks, distancing, and now vaccination by the State of Tennessee is wholly inappropriate and it should stop immediately. Our tax dollars should never be spent on efforts to shame or coerce the public into compliance.

We understand that the TN Department of Health is to reappear before this committee on July 21st. We ask that you continue to stand firm in the statements that have already been made. Please put the nail in the coffin on the Mature Minor Doctrine. And please ensure that the TN Department of Health commits to a cease and desist of all marketing that could be construed to coerce or convince any member of the public, including minors, to receive any form of medical treatment. Please help the members of this department to understand that we look to our doctors, private medical community, and ourselves in determining what is right for our health and the health of our children. We do not look to the government.

Gary Humble
Executive Director of Tennessee Stands

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