An Interview with Pro-Freedom CPC Leadership Candidate Joseph Bourgault

2 years ago

Pro-freedom Joseph Bourgault ( stands out as the only Conservative leadership candidate to be openly against the Trudeau govt's unconstitutional and undemocratic Covid and vaccine mandates since early 2020. The Saskatchewan hopeful followed the peer-reviewed success of early treatments, like Ivermectin, and to his dismay, the corrupt suppression of such evidence by govts and the mainstream media. These findings led to his eventual attendance and support of the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa to end all mandates and spread the truth of available treatments.

The continued failure for trustworthy and honest politicians to bring Canadians out of the new post-Covid world prompted Bourgault to enter the leadership race and bring voice and hope to long-suffering Canadians with a better way out of the "pandemic" and beyond.

Join us for this exclusive interview.

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