What Do I Want Part 2

2 years ago

This video series was designed to provide meaning, purpose and direction to people of all ages.

Making choices in life comes attached with a certain level of anxiety and doubt. This is normal. But it becomes abnormal when we are afraid to make our own choices, we are afraid to make mistakes and we constantly look for guidance and direction from someone else. What happens if we constantly ignore what we truly want, if we don’t ask ourselves and no one else, “What do I really want?”, then our lives will be plagued with an inner emptiness. Boredom will rule our lives.

If you’re a student who’s looking for inner guidance on what to pursue as a profession, you’re bewildered by the possibilities which lay before you, this material is for you.

If you’re working and what you are currently doing is not giving you a sense of meaning, or you feel a constant inner emptiness, and nothing seems to relief this inner void, then this is for you.

If you’re someone who’s getting ready to retire, and feel anxious about the future, uncertain how you’ll handle your new world away from work, this is for you.

Unfortunately, we have been programmed to look for answers outside of ourselves, to ignore what we feel, and to conform to the herd mentality.

As human beings we have a need to socialize. We depend on other human beings to exist. For nine months we miraculously depend on the complete support of our mother. An umbilical cord makes this miracle happen. Inside the womb life is perfect. The womb can be compare to paradise. Everything is provided for us. No pain. No suffering. No anxiety. No problems. Paradise for nine months.

When all hell breaks loose, is when we start exiting paradise. Not because we want to, but because we have to. Pain, anxiety and suffering is introduced into world. The umbilical cord is severed, and now we have to make it on our own. This is a tragic shock for the newly born. This is the new world in which he’s introduced.

From day one, our immediate family becomes our world. Everything is provided, not as readily as when the umbilical cord was attached, with some delays the newborn gets what he wants, which is mainly food and sleep for several months.

Our world gets larger when we go to school. In addition to the rules at home, now we are given more rules to follow at school. Keep in mind that at no point during our developmental period emphasis was given to our individuality. The mantras given to us were “to succeed in life you have to play by rules, and you have to be a team player, you cannot isolate yourself, you have to listen to your elders, and so on…”. Something along those lines.

But we were not encouraged to think for ourselves. To be our own man or woman. To choose what we really want, not what someone else is suggesting we should do. We were not taught to listen to our inner voice. We were taught that mimicking others was the SAFE way to go.

Then we enter the work force. Many times, we choose a line of work which reflects a decision that was driven by finances, not because we really thought about it and decided to pursue it. Work was always based on the monetary reward.

And the cycle continues throughout our life always imitating what we see around us, and never asking ourselves “What do we really want”.

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